

Projects & Experience

College Esports Website

A personal passion project built on Next.js to create an organized hub for everything college esports.

Personal Project [Present]

Previous Portfolio Site

View the previous version of my portfolio site created with React.

Portfolio [2023]

Mock Site of Fellow Student's Website

Attempt at transitioning google site to handmade React based website.

Project [Dec 2022]

Software Engineering Project

Developer on a group project to build and app catalog using the agile development process. Created the design, implemented authentication, and set up the database.

Miami University Project [Fall 2023]

iOS Pickup Sports App

Xcode and Swift were used to create an iOS app where users could sign up and create local sport events and get reminded when events occur.

Miami University Project [Spring 2024]

MU Varsity Esports Intern

Volunteer work for Miami University's Varsity Esports Program managing their social media accounts and WordPress website.

[Apr. 2022 - May 2024]

* Not all projects are currently shown

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